Take centre stage and deliver an inspirational Business BulletIN

The NetworkIN Bulletin definition

Take centre stage and deliver an inspirational Business BulletIN

Present a snapshot of where your business is today

This page offers tips to help you gain the most out of showcasing your company at a NetworkIN meeting.

The Business BulletIN is your opportunity to shine and capture the attention of fellow advocates during a team meeting when all eyes will be on you for around ten minutes.

The presentation is a deep dive into the benefits of your business and how it improves your customers’ lives, focusing on what you need in order to drive your business forward over the next six to twelve months.

Plan ahead

Prepare your topic and presentation materials in plenty of time. Trying to pull this together the night before, or on the morning of your meeting will only cause unnecessary stress.

Avoid selling to the room. Instead, educate fellow advocates and guests through a journey of discovery about you and your business. Use your time wisely and prepare your presentation to follow a structure:

  • Eight-minute presentation
    • One-minute intro
    • Six-minute overview, case study or explainer
    • One-minute roundup of your ideal referrals
  • Two-minute Q&A

Think about inviting guests who would benefit from hearing your BulletIN. They could learn a lot and potentially become new NetworkIN advocates.

A couple of weeks before your presentation let fellow advocates know who you would like to see in the room so that they too can invite guests.

Provide a snapshot of where your business is today

If you have business goals and supporting marketing activity, highlight these in your BulletIN.

Limit the ‘social fluff’ and backstory unless it adds to your referral-worthiness. Get good at illustrating the pains your customers experience, how you make them go away and why customers do business with you. This will enable fellow advocates to stop, look and listen for signs of ideal referrals.

Use the power of three

Less is more, so be specific. If you create a slide presentation, highlight three key points on each slide using bullet points and diagrams. This triggers reticular activation and you will be heard and remembered more effectively as a result.

  • Address objections
  • Provide facts and figures to substantiate claims
  • Include customer testimonials and case studies
  • Show a video explainer
  • Provide take-away information such as a PDF download, website or video link


Check your tech

Make sure you know how to share a slide presentation and that you have the necessary tech in order to load website pages or play a video or audio file if this forms part of your presentation. You can check the tech here and practice a dummy run in plenty of time.

How to share your screen


How to change your security settings on an Apple Mac



Choose one or two advocates ahead of the BulletIN to ask specific questions at the end of your presentation. This will allow you to be specific and add even more value for your listeners.

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