July 2020 National Days Calendar for Social Media Planning

Business owner looking at July 2020 social media planner calendar on iPad Pro

July 2020 National Days Calendar for Social Media Planning

Is it the start of a brand new month already? Do you need fresh inspiration to keep your social media feeds full or do you need a reason to reach out to your customers?

They aren’t for every business but perhaps you might find a national day or two in July that aligns with the core values of your company or maybe a cause that you can get behind to gain awareness for your products and services or a local charity that you support.  

Anna Woolliscroft, an Advocate ofStone Ladies has produced this handy ‘National Days Calendar‘ so that you can plan ahead for July 2020.

It’s Plastic Free July, a great campaign to back if the environment is close to your heart or National Marine Week from 25 July. If you fancy something a little more lighthearted how about Workaholics Day on 5 July or World Emoji Day on 17 July :)? 

One key date that NetworkIN has bookmarked to support is National Bereaved Parents Day on 3 July. Our Stafford Brunch Charity ‘A Child of Mine‘ is marking the day by lighting a candle at 7pm to remember all of the children who have lost their lives too soon 💜  and the charity is encouraging as many people to do the same and spare a thought to those who have suffered the loss of children.  

Please do join them and share a photo on social media to show your support by using the hashtags:

#nationalbereavedparentsday #thinkingofyou #achildofmine

If you find this calendar useful, do make sure you follow Market Avenue‘s social media for more top tips:


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