Announcing the launch of NetworkIN Lancashire

Team Lancashire coming soon

Announcing the launch of NetworkIN Lancashire

That’s right, NetworkIN is expanding. We are heading further north to enable businesses based in and around Lancashire to access our highly-effective referral marketing platform.

We’re thrilled to be establishing roots in our first major city location and are working with several passionate entrepreneurs in the area to launch a brand new team to help support and empower professional individuals to be more, to have more and to achieve more.

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Who can attend NetworkIN Lancashire?

If you are looking to launch a business, grow your business or develop as a business professional and are based within Lancashire, then these brand new meetings are for you.

The launch meetings are open to any business sector but once an advocate commits to joining a team, they become sector exclusive, enabling you to lock out your competition.

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How can you visit a team?

To sample a NetworkIN Lancashire meeting get in touch with the team today and register your interest or call 01785 291129 and get first dibs on the waiting list.
Attending a virtual meeting is the first step you need to take to see if the NetworkIN Online environment and culture will work for your business. We are in the process of finalising the date and time and expect to launch within the next few weeks.

Visit an online team in Staffordshire or Cheshire  >>


What is NetworkIN?

From the initial launch on our home turf in Staffordshire in February 2019, NetworkIN quickly expanded into Cheshire.

The thriving referral marketing community now comprises thirteen online teams that meet every two weeks, following a structured format with the purpose of generating positive business opportunities. NetworkIN’s business growth and personal development platform offers a way for you to meet new contacts and create interest in your products and services.

Individuals who experience the benefits of word of mouth recommendations join our community and become advocates who support each other, pass on sales opportunities and form mutual beneficial collaborations.

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Take action today

If you are intrigued, looking for new business opportunities to fill your sales pipeline, or would benefit from personal development support please get in touch with us today.
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