Where can I find out about referral marketing events in Stafford?
There are numerous referral marketing events in Stafford and the first place to look would be in an internet search.
From this initial list it is important to consider the benefits offered by each group as well as the size of the group, the location and the time of the meeting. It will need to be something you can attend regularly to make the most of.
While some businesses may be drawn by the potential visibility of a larger group, a group with a limited number of members will promote stronger, more sustainable relationships.
A large, attractive and well-connected town, Stafford is the administrative hub for Staffordshire County Council as well as the county’s fire service and police force. Stafford is the county town of Staffordshire, lying 15 miles away from Stoke-on-Trent and 24 miles away from Birmingham. Stafford is blessed with historical buildings including the Norman-built Stafford Castle that dates back to 1090 and the largest timber framed town house in the England, the Elizabethan Ancient High House.