03 Apr Top tips from business coach Alison Bradford for surviving the coronavirus
Right now businesses are operating in what feels like a surreal world. You would be forgiven for thinking we’ve been abducted by aliens and put back into a world that looks like the one you left, but is also completely different.
Staffordshire business coach Alison Bradford has seen, like so many of us, clients going from ‘business as usual’, to losing income, being stuck in their homes (possibly homeschooling kids too), and getting up at ridiculous o’clock, desperate to get a supermarket delivery slot.
Here, Alison shares some top tips with you, to help see you through to the other side. This storm will pass, and you need to ensure you’re in a strong position to survive, then thrive:
1. Look after your customers
Reach out and engage, and consider how you can add extra value at this time. Check in and see how they are doing – they will appreciate it.
2. If you find yourself with more time on your hands than usual, use it wisely
This is the time to work on your business. Marketing plans, writing content, documenting processes, all those things you never get round to – do them now.
3. Reduce outgoings, where possible
Go through both your business bank account and your personal account and see what can be paused or cancelled.
4. Use the support available
Keep abreast of the support that has been made available, both to your business and to you personally, and use it. It’s been made available for a very good reason – you know it’s serious when a government puts up the level of unprecedented financial support we’ve just seen. The gov.uk website has the latest official guidelines, and Martin Lewis has some great explanations on his site and Facebook page.
5. Don’t panic
Never make key business decisions based on fear, and now is probably not the best time to make significant changes – adapt, yes, but be considered.
And finally remember, THIS TOO WILL PASS.
Alison is an advocate of Team Stone Ladies. If you are curious to know how she can help you in achieving your business goals, book in a complimentary strategy session to find out more, and identify some quick wins tailored to your business. Find the latest availability in her online diary here.
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