FREE employee cyber security awareness training

FREE employee cyber security awareness training

Hixon are running free cyber security awareness training for employees which gives you the chance to get confident with what cyber security means for you and learn some actionable steps you can take to stay safe online.

The free self paced online training package will cover four key topics of cyber security. You’ll explore each of these topics by helping someone to navigate a tricky situation you may encounter during your daily business.

The four cyber secuirty topics you will cover are:

  1. Defending yourself against phishing
  2. Creating strong passwords
  3. Securing your devices
  4. Reporting incidents

There will be a short quiz at the end to put what you’ve learnt to the test. This is a safe environment for you to practice what you learn, so make the most of it!

Get started

Once you are ready to proceed you can access the free cyber awareness training using this button.

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