Keeping up appearances with a StandIN

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Keeping up appearances with a StandIN

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind’? Once you’ve made the decision to join a referral marketing community, staying in-sight is one of the best ways to build your reputation.

Think of it a bit like attending the gym or chewing a vitamin C tablet every morning … if you let your routine slip you’ll soon forget!

Be in the room

You’ll gain more return from your NetworkIN INvestment by attending as many meetings as possible. But illness, school activities, holiday or last-minute customer demands do happen.

Step in the NetworkIN StandIN.

A StandIN will represent you at your team meeting, present your MINute Message and distribute or collect your INputs. The beauty of the StandIN is that they keep you ‘front of mind’ even when you’re unable to attend.

How to gain the most out of a StandIN

Be prepared and inform your StandIN of the NetworkIN process.

  • Allow plenty of time to organise a StandIN – ask a trusted colleague, a client or NetworkIN advocate (from a different team) – email, call or use social media
  • Prepare and send your MINute Message script
  • Pass on your INputs
  • Provide venue details, directions and times
  • Inform your team leaders who your StandIN will be and ask someone to look after them if it’s their first time attending

You can request a StandIN using the NetworkIN Facebook or LinkedIn Group. Tag people who you think could help and list the sectors available in your team. Make it easy for people to respond by providing all relevant information such as date, time and venue.

Become a StandIN to increase your visibility

There is another way that you can use a StandIN to your advantage and that’s to be one yourself. Offer your time to represent a fellow advocate from another team and build your own reputation by expanding your network and become a familiar face away from your home team. But beware of the ‘rambling rep’. First impressions as a StandIN reflect you and the advocate you’re representing so be professional and add credibility.

  • Print out or load the MINute message and be ready to go
  • Give the script a run-through to familiarise yourself
  • Check the location and times – you don’t want to be late
  • Review the team advocates – is there anyone you can help?

Remember, sending a StandIN that is not from the NetworkIN community is a potential new advocate for your team and a great source of referrals for fellow advocates. 

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